3+ Best Magento Customer Support & Helpdesk Extensions
3+ Best Magento Customer Support & Helpdesk Extensions in 2022
The best Magento customer support and helpdesk extensions provide businesses with the tools they need to reduce operating costs and increase revenue potential. Furthermore, they provide an overview of your customer base. You may think it is sufficient to have a live chat or contact form installed on your website, but when things go wrong you realize that you should have installed an extension that covers every aspect of customer support. For ecommerce brands to succeed in today’s marketplace, they must provide a unique customer experience.
3+ Best Magento Customer Support & Helpdesk Extensions
What are the 3+ Best Magento Customer Support & Helpdesk Extensions?
The following is a list of the best Magento customer support and helpdesk extensions available for online store owners. These extensions will help you learn more about your customers, market your business more effectively, provide a superior customer experience and sell more products.
Gorgias helpdesk is a software designed for helpdesks, providing them with tools that make their jobs easier. The software is designed to be easy to use and intuitive, so even first-time users will be able to learn its functions quickly.
Help Scout is a customer support software that helps companies deliver amazing customer experiences. It’s designed to be easy to use, and it’s specifically designed for businesses who need a custom solution for their customer support needs. Whether you’re an enterprise or small business, Help Scout can help you deliver the best possible experience to your customers.
You can set up your inbox so that important messages come to the top, create mailboxes for different teams, and assign conversations to different people.
Give your customers one-on-one attention by providing live chat on your website or via the app.
You can create a knowledgebase site and publish your first article in minutes. This way, you'll be able to start answering frequently asked questions directly from your customers to minimize support inquiries.
Cons 👎
They need more productivity tools to help streamline the communication of support resolutions.
Tickets lose tags when an issue is resolved.
Doesn’t have the ability to translate knowledge base content with a few clicks of a button.
Freshdesk support is a software that helps you solve your customers’ issues and queries directly from your email inbox. It has features to manage contacts, tickets, and cases. It also provides an analytics dashboard and lets you create custom workflows.
As you engage in customer support interactions, you can use your help desk software to access order history, billing information, previous conversations, and other relevant customer details.
If you want to provide your customers with a seamless shopping experience, integrate your customer data from different support channels into a single place.
Trigger automated emails in the event of cart abandonment directly from your help desk. You can also initiate emails to gather customer feedback once their order is fulfilled.
Cons 👎
There’s currently no Shopify app listed on the Shopify app store.
No SMS and Instagram integration
There is limited automation and rules you can apply.
Customer support software helps you provide fast service for customers and ensure that no issues are left unresolved for too long. It also helps you save time, by automating tasks such as ticket generation, automatic replies, and email notifications. The best Magento customer support extensions include: 1) Ticket manager - Helps you manage all incoming tickets from customers. You can create new tickets manually or automatically with the help of rules like price changes in your store or when a specific product is purchased. The system will create a new ticket immediately upon detection of such an event. 2) Automatic replies - This feature allows you to automatically send out a message to each person who sends in an inquiry or question through the system’s built-in form fields (e-mail address). This means that users won’t have to wait while they wait for someone from your team to respond back before getting their issue resolved!
Customer support is a crucial part of running a successful business, especially in your Magento store. It’s not just about answering questions or resolving problems, but also about keeping your customers loyal and attracting new ones. That’s why it’s important for your Magento store to have a solid customer support strategy in place.
As of today, Magento integrates with 86 customer support, helpdesk, and live chat extensions. If you're an ecommerce brand looking to add customer service options to your existing ecommerce store, there are multiple extensions and apps that offer several different kinds of support.
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